Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lots of pretty pictures!

Things have been very busy around here with four work trips and a short vacation in the month of May for us. But, we're seeing lots of good progress, so here's lots of pictures of the latest work. Since the last post, walls were sanded and painted, siding was painted, shower and bathroom floor tile were installed and grouted (except for a small section to be done tomorrow), subfloor went into the breakfast nook, and an HVAC return vent got removed and patched with oak flooring in our kitchen.

Here's progress in the bathroom:

 We had to patch the floor because we removed the tub.

Shower floor:

Woohoo, plastic is gone! It's not functional yet, but we're close!

The glass door is on order as well. It should be here in ~2 weeks. In the mean time, we may just stick up a shower soon as we have a shower we can start using our bathroom again.

And here's progress in the nook and mud room:

 They still need to stain the wood where the air vent was removed.

Here's a piece of the new cork flooring for the addition, next to the existing kitchen flooring.

Brick was also delivered today, which was a huge success, but a boring story, so I'll spare you the details. Masons were here earlier today to start laying out the brick and it should be in three days from now.

Stair parts are also in so it's time to finalize stain colors, and tomorrow the plastic wall separating our kitchen from the construction comes down.

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