Friday, August 26, 2016

Pavers and Landscape Plan

Progress continues on the backyard. We have pavers in now that surround the concrete. Eventually they will have moss planted between them to form a transition from the slab to the grass and landscaped beds.

And speaking of landscape, we have a plan that includes adding a lot of shade-loving perennials that will have the backyard blooming from early spring through late summer. Here's the highlights of plants below:

After burying some downspouts and adding a rockwall to the patio, plants should go in around the first of September!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Who knew concrete could be so exciting!

Our concrete slab is finally in our back yard AND the fence is back up so Ellie has free reign again!

Here's the progress:

We tried getting Clara's hand print in the wet concrete...that was a disaster.

The next step is to install pavers (see the stacks in the background of the last photo?) around the patio and re-plant Irish moss like we had before.