Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ready for Baby!

The classes are done, and the nursery's all set up (even though she'll probably do little more than nap in there for a while), so now we're just waiting for her arrival!


Saturday, August 2, 2014

One day in the front yard!

It's amazing what a difference a day can make! We spent the majority of the day in the front yard taking out overgrown bushes around the front porch and filling the space with 21 boxwoods, bringing the front yard total to 33 (!), three hydrangeas, and several mums for some seasonal color.

Here's how the house looked last fall. We hadn't done much work outside at this point:

Here's how it looked early this morning:

Action shot...a few of the big bushes gone already!

And here's how it looks at the end of the day!

When we moved in, the wall along the garage (on the left) had hostas running along it that died back each fall. We moved those to a bed around the tree on the left side of the photo above and filled the space along the garage with three white hydrangeas, two vibernums, and 11 boxwoods. This project was done a few weeks ago.

Coming up in September: we're having the outside of the house painted. The trim will become a creamy white, the shutters black, and the front door Cardinal (Go tree!).