Monday, February 18, 2013

The latest addition to our family... this 130-year-old armoire! What did you think I was going to say? :)
At the urgent request of my mom to "buy it and if you don't want it, ship it to me!", we decided to venture out in a rainstorm to check it out, even though usually Craigslist postings end up falling short. We may have lucked out on this one though because it's the perfect addition to our house. Old houses need old furniture, right? And since we don't have the huge walk-in closets that all those bubble-fueling new construction houses of 2007 have, we are happy to have the supplemental storage space. It did require renting a moving van and sweet-talking our neighbors and one of Craig's friends, but we managed to get the thing inside, un-damaged. It came from a military family that took it with them around the country, including to Hawaii, so it's well traveled.

Now, it just needs some lights on top of it to shine down, old-school style, so we can see the contents. I actually found some really reasonably priced ones at Ikea (!) but they aren't available online (what year is this???). I guess they will have to wait till our next trip to Chicago.

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